In addition to articles that appear on this site, I occasionally write articles related to renewable energy for other websites.
You can find a sample of those articles here:
- Enhancing Agriculture and Limiting CO2 with Biochar
- Biofuel Powered Vehichles vs. Electric Vehicles
- Using Sugar Beets for Ethanol and Methanol Conversion
- Peak Oil and Biomass Fuels
- Cellulosic ethanol plant comes to Denver
- The Gaia Hypothesis and Fossil Fuels
- Burning Corn as a Fuel
- Comparing Biodiesel and Ethanol
- Why is corn so cheap?
- Making Biodiesel from Algae
- How much does it cost to install a solar PV system?
- What’s better, Solar Thermal or Solar Photovoltaic?
- Working with a Wind Developer to get wind turbines installed on your land
I also maintain a personal blog where I write about anything that comes to mind.